Saturday, March 18, 2023


Please read my list of study questions on the Epistle of James (the first nine questions on the link here), and then James itself. Suggest an answer to one or two of the study questions and cite or two a verse from James in support of your answer.


  1. I don't think that James taught them anything different from the other disciples. I say this because everything in which James mentions is just a stronger method in telling the people how to be in the manner of Christ. James talks about the differences between doing and hearing the word. He explains it as, “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the father is this. To visit orphans and widows in their affliction and keep oneself unstained from the world” this may be hard to understand but he also tells them to “know this my beloved brothers, that every person be quick to hear, slow to speak. Slow to anger, for the anger of a man does not produce the righteousness of God.” Essentially, James is telling the people how to be as they are of Christ throughout life.
    There are problems in today, as there were back then, of men whose desires tempted them. In their faith. And what James is essentially saying is that many people will let their tongues speak for them. But the tongue is a difficult sword, let's say a double edged sword that can either curse or bless as he speaks on it. On that same note, the tongue can also deceive our ourselves from what our religion truly is. On that same note, there are other ways that we can be tempted when keeping our religious ways, people out there could be out there to just get us riled up or to hurt our feelings. It's up to us to know when to use our tongues for the better rather than the worse. Of course, this is just a little about what James was saying.
    James later expresses how faith without works is dead. Giving a great analogy of a person that's in need in the clothes, don't just tell them to go out and be warm and filled without giving them anything. He relates this to what faith is and how faith requires works and without action, faith is nothing. Lastly, he speaks on the subject of teaching, which in my opinion is kind of like the Rabbi Post blog post that we've had before. This mainly goes back to how the tongue can be a double edged sword. Meaning we can say all the things that we really want to say, but. About God. And somehow. Be wrong in what we say as well The tongue gives a strong thing and can speak things into existence. With, it’s easier to be called a blasphemer than anything.

  2. 1. James is writing this to the jews scattered thoughout the Roman World, Persecution
    2. I would say they are the same as other New Testament writers, I would say they are being obiedient.
    3. I would say the Main keys according to James. Is loving your neighbors and being obedient to gods rules.
    4. He talks about this in James 5:1-6 He warns not to but your trust in your money. That will not last and corrode away over time, Only Gods kingdom is eternal.
    5. He says to have patience and Preserve. But dont be afraid to call someone out if needed.
    6. Honestly i would say he didn't understand it.
    7. He goes around talking about different subjects not spending to much time on one.
    8.No i dont think they are high and yes
    9.He says to be caring but also to correct problems.
    10. He is Writing to the church in Ephesus, to encouage them.
    11. He says that we are here be the grace of God so live like it.
    12. He talks about in 4:25 how there ways to avoid our hate.
    13. I would say Ephesians talks more about Spiritual gifts than Romans vs Corthians. I would say it still sounds like Paul wrote it though.
    -Austin Dreyer

    1. 14.He means we predestined for good works
      15. He standards that he sets are to follow and obey those who God as put above you. Aka Children and servants. Then for marriage he call for wives to submit to there husbands but husbands love there wife as christ loved the church. I would say that if there husband really loves there wife like that there shouldn't be one side trying to dominate a relationship like that. Yes
      16. He talks about it in Eph 4 when he is saying that they should be unified with it.
      17. Peter is writing this letter to Christians that being persecuted.
      18. He says in 5:18 to vigilant the devil is very agressive in temptaition.
      19.He states that Human Failure. Should follow Christ's Example to live more like him.
      20.We can only do things through Christ.
      21. I believe in 4:11 Peter is saying let the Leaders do it through knowledge Christ Provided.
      22. I would say that Keeping the Main Focus on a Godly and forgiving take is what they agree on.
      -Austin Dreyer

  3. Question 3: What, according to James, are the main keys of living a life pleasing to God? James says that "What good is it, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?" (James 2:14) As Christians we need to show our faith in the works we do. James also says we must not get caught up in worldly things that are evil and instead to turn to Christ by faith through prayer.

    Question 9: How does James deal with failure/human weakness? (James 5:7) "Be patient, therefore brothers, until the coming of the Lord." James says that patience's is the key when suffering and enduring the trials of life. He also says that people should confess there sins to one another and pray for each other. He also says that faith through prayer is key to helping people when they are weak and have failed.
    - Eathen Erck

  4. 9. Are James’s ethical standards especially high? Is it possible for anyone to meet these standards? Yes, I think James ethical standards are very high. But also they serve as good warnings. In chapter 5:1-6, there's a warning against greediness. It's a reminder, that at the end of the day, you're going to die, and everything you did to get it, will not be forgotten. Also the taming of the tongue is extremely important. In chapter 3:1-12, it warns that fire spits from your mouth. A prime example of this is all the wars that have been started from trash talking other countries. Also as for can anyone meet these standards? No. But they're extremely good to shoot for. Eventually you'll screw up, but if you try, that's a good goal.
    -Walker Larson

  5. Question 9: How does James deal with failure/human weakness?

    James deals with human failure and weakness by turning back to God at all times in prayer and thanksgiving. When one is feeling selfish and prideful, humble thyself. When one is focused on the material world, remember that in the face of the judge we are judged not by the physical but the spiritual. When one is sick and suffering, turn to prayer, confession, and intersession. James tells us in verse 4:8-10 to cleanse our hands and purify our hearts for those who humble themselves before God, He will exalt.

    (James 4:6-10; 5:4-6,13,16)

  6. 3. The main keys of living a life pleasing to God include:
    - let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger (1:19)
    - being doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (1:22)
    - showing no partiality (2:1)
    - taming the tongue (Chapter 3)
    - not boasting about tomorrow (4:16)
    - being patient until the coming of the Lord (5:7)

    4. James tells those who indulge themselves in the riches of the world to be warned--none of it will last forever. "Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you," (5:3) this verse shows that money is responsible for a lot of evil in this world, and if you use it for a negative purpose, then there will be evidence of that.
    -Lauren Bland
