Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 14-28)

Please read the remaining chapters of the Gospel of Matthew (Ch. 15-28). Pay special attention to Chapters 21-23, chapters that particularly well show Jesus' challenge to the religion of the scribes and Pharisees. Choose a verse or summarize a passage that seems particularly important to you and explain why you choose this verse.  How does this verse/passage ties to the theme that Matthew is a "gospel for those who think they don't need the gospel"?

Please remember that, when it comes to the readings, quality reading will serve you better than quantity.  Concentrating on Chapters 21-23 is just fine if you don't have time for all 14 chapters.  


  1. A passage that seems important to me, is the betrayal and arrest of Jesus, more specifically the part in which Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. It is not only that Jesus was arrest, but he was betrayed by one of his closest friends. Jesus had spent so much time with Judas and had grown to love him as a brother. The pain of being betrayed by your closest friend is something I could never imagine.
    While reading this passage we may believe that we could never do what Judas did. "I would never betray my friend." But what if you needed the money? Your friend is Jesus Christ after all, even if you hand him over to the high priest surly, he would be able to save himself, right?

  2. A verse that is important to me is, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness." (23:27) This is important to me because it goes to show that no matter how people present themselves on the outside, they could be sick and twisted evil people on the inside.
    This verse really ties to the theme because it serves as a reminder that people can be good people on the outside, but if they do not have God in their life, inside they will be like the Pharisees. Dead on the inside.

  3. In Matthew 23:1-29 the word "Hypocrites!" with an exclamation mark appears 8 different times in the NKJV version. I think that point/theme is what Jesus trying say about the Pharisees. I think also that is the point of the entire chapter as well. Another big verse i think that somes this up too is Matthew 23:15
    "“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves." Here Jesus is saying that the Pharisees are making sons of hell and followers of himself. I also think another big point is in verse 2-3 When they sit in the Moses's seat aka place of power of synagogue. But they dont follow what they preach.

  4. "When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, 'Truly this was the Son of God'" (27:54).

    This passage is important because it shows how long it took for some people to believe that Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus had to be crucified in order for certain people to realize who He was--as if his miracles and obvious otherworldly deeds weren't enough for them. Even in "death," Jesus was able to have that mind-altering effect on people.
    - Lauren Bland

  5. Matthew 19:26-30
    "And behold a man came up to him saying Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life ... And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last and the last first."
    I think that this verse is important because the man comes to Jesus seeking eternal life but upon hearing how to achieve that which he seeks he walks away from Jesus unwilling to do all that Jesus asks of him. The man is too caught up in his own material world and believes he can not be happy without his material possessions. He lacks the true and all encompassing faith Jesus asks of us and he forgets that material possessions are bound to this earth and do not accompany us into death, all that we own will one day no longer be ours. I think that many times we forget about this teaching, easily getting caught up in this temporary world of temporary possessions while putting not enough importance on our eternal souls.

  6. A verse that seems really important to me is Matthew 21:27 And he said to them "Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things." I chose this verse because Jesus won't tell the scribes and Pharisees the authority that he has, because they don't answer his question about John the Baptist and they don't believe that Jesus is the son of God.

    This verse ties in with Matthew's theme because it shows the authority that Jesus had and it shows that the scribes and Pharisees had no understanding of who Jesus really was. - Eathen Erck

  7. A verse that seems very important to me is Matthew 22:39 And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself". I think this verse is very important because this verse does not necessarily apply to just people who seek religion. This verse applies to everyone who has lived because it is just a simple concept. If everyone could appreciate their neighbors as themselves there would be a lot more happiness on Earth. I just think this follows the theme of gospel for those who don't need the gospel because many times those who are not religious can be some angry and unhappy people. This quote is just a simple rule that could bring everyone in the world more happiness and peace. I just think the quotes impact to this day is just a great rule to live by.
    - Dawson Pfister

  8. A verse thats incredible to me is from Matthew 24:42,"Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day the lord is coming." I think this is a great verse that sums the chapter up because it shows relevancy to the flood and Noah's arc, and to the expectancy of a thief. In other words he says we should all stay "woke", for we will never know the day.

  9. Matthew 21:23-27 is where Jesus is being challenged by religious leaders who inquire of Him where does His supernatural authority is called into question by nay-sayers who disbelieve in Him, despite their knowledge of His Word, they did not see that He was the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies and the embodiment of prophecies in Isaiah, as well other Old Testament prophecies, Jesus was Messiah. All of the knowledge of the scriptures, yet they did not acknowledge He was the fulfillment of these prophecies and they chose to hold to their ways, even to the point they had refused to accept Him for who He said he was and willfully pushed Him away... In this life, some will accept and some will reject the Truth, even those who we least expect to reject God will do so and those who least expect to accept God may as well. Even those who see the Truth may reject it and in doing so shall not see the Kingdom of Heaven, as they refuse to acknowledge the Truth of Christ and will not give an answer to anybody, as did these leaders, so because of this Christ does not answer those who do not answer to Him or speak His Truth. If someone wants a response from God, they must acknowledge that He is Lord, not turn from acknowledging that Christ is the ultimate authority.
